Flies By Lionel “Lonk” Kemp.

Lonk fished all his life starting at an early age in the wilderness of far North Western Australia, later moving to the United Kingdom, his father teaching him how to target trout with the fly rod in England’s southwest.

After a few years of scrumping apples and poaching farmers ponds and streams for trout, he returned to the East Coast Australia where he honed his trout skills further on the NSW/Victoria border and the Blue Mountains in the late 90’s before finally settling in Sydney and adding a little salt into his fly fishing diet.

Lonk is now an avid Predator fly fisherman and production tyer, he has a small claim to fame as half of the DK Dancer fly developed with Paul Dolan for Impoundment barramundi flyfishing.

Lionel production ties for a couple of Sydney fly shops, has a staple repertoire of Predator Patterns and is not afraid of thinking “outside the box” when it comes to fooling fish with the fly rod.

Reel Fly Fishing are pleased to be working with Lonk and soon to be selling a selection of his awesome flies in our online shop.

So if you have a trip planned whether it be out on Sydney Harbour, Christmas or Coco’s maybe even Tiwi Island he is the man to tie for you.


Galey MsGuided Fly Fishing


Reel Fly Fishing use and recommend HANÁK “The Winner’s Choice”